
Rummy Nose Tetra: Care Guide For The Uniquely Colored Fish

The Rummy Nose tetra is a brightly colored, peaceful schooling fish that's a popular member of many communities in aquariums throughout the world.

These cute lilliputian fishes are easy to care for and will thrive if given the correct conditions and a balanced diet. Considering these tetras are fussy when it comes to water conditions, they are better-suited to hobbyists with some experience rather than complete beginners.

In this comprehensive guide, we explain in item how to look later on and breed these cute fish in your home tank.

Rummy Nose Tetra


The Rummy Nose tetra has the scientific name, Hemigrammus bleheri, and is also known every bit the Brilliant Rummy Nose tetra, Firehead tetra, Blehers Rummy Nose tetra, and Rednose tetra.

The species was first described in 1986 by Géry and Mahnert, and it is non currently listed on the IUCN Red List as vulnerable or endangered.

Hemigrammus bleheri is found in Due south America, specifically in the Rio Negro in Brazil and the Rio Vaupes in Columbia, where it is confined to the acidic, black water upstream tributaries of the Amazon.

Species variants

Although this fish is normally called the Rummy Olfactory organ tetra, it'south really one of three species of Rummy Nose. The Firehead tetra looks very similar to the "truthful" Rummy Nose or Banded Rummy Nose, Hemigrammus rhodostomus, and the Black-finned Rummy-Nose Petitella georgiae.

The differences between these iii characins are then slight as to be barely noticeable. However, H. bleheri is the only species to have the red area of its snout that extends beyond the gills. Thanks to its superior coloration, the Rummy Olfactory organ tetra for sale is the variant that y'all'll find nigh ofttimes in fish stores.

Thanks to selective convenance, you may too notice a gilded or greenish colour morph sometimes available, and a school of a mixture of the ii can make a spectacular, shimmering sight in your display tank.

The Rummy Nose tetra should not exist confused with the Rummy Nose rasbora, which is a totally separate species.


The Rummy Nose tetra is a pretty piddling fish that grows to reach roughly 1.75 inches in length and lives for around 5 years.

The fish'southward body is silver to greenish-aureate in color, and its brilliant, iridescent red olfactory organ and black and white striped tail fin are the species' well-nigh distinguishing features.

Male and female Rummy Nose tetras look much the same, except that the male is thinner than the female. Females are generally more compact in shape and have a larger belly when in breeding status.

Rummy Nose Tetra

Care and maintenance

These tetras are easy to await after once yous have their preferred water chemistry correct in your aquarium. For that reason, nosotros don't recommend the Rummy Nose as a suitable choice of fish for a complete beginner, and the fish are best added to a tank that'south already established.

This species of tetra is especially sensitive to change in h2o conditions, so y'all must be diligent in carrying out 25% to l% water changes every calendar week, as well every bit testing the water to make sure that the parameters are correct.

Aquarium setup

The Rummy Nose tetra is a schooling fish that's happiest when it lives in a group of seven or more than individuals in an aquarium of at least 15 to 20 gallons.

This species swims in all areas of the tank, and then you tin can use a long tank or a taller, deep one if you prefer. A nano tank or bioOrb can also be used, provided that information technology's large plenty for a grouping of these agile, sociable fish.

Water parameters

These fish must have water that is soft and acidic if they are to thrive. These tetras are a freshwater species that cannot tolerate brackish conditions.

It'due south advisable to replicate the tetras' natural environs equally closely equally possible past using peat filtration. These fish tend to fare better when they are introduced to an established tank, where the water chemistry is already stable.

Y'all'll need a high-quality filtration organization too to continue the acidic water chemistry regulated and stable. Undergravel filtration works well in a tetra Hemigrammus tank, helping to keep the water well-oxygenated and filtering away whatsoever fish waste and other debris that finds its fashion down into the substrate.

The water temperature in the aquarium should exist between maintained between 72o and 82o Fahrenheit, with a pH range of between 5.v and half-dozen.8, and a hardness range of 2 to eight dGH

Tank decoration

These fish come from habitats where the lighting is diffused by dense woods cover. You tin replicate that by using dim lighting in the aquarium or providing shade with floating plants that the fish will also use as a hiding place.

Tetras prefer to live in a well-planted tank that has plenty of open space for swimming. The substrate should ideally exist made from river sand, and adding a handful of stale leaves tin give the setup a natural feel and look that the fish will appreciate. Remember to remove the leaves every few weeks or so and replace them with fresh ones.

Include some driftwood and floating plants to provide hiding places that will help to make the tetras experience comfortable and forestall them from becoming stressed.

Diet and nutrition

Rummy Nose tetras are omnivores. They will swallow any kind of flake, pellet, fresh, and live foods, including bloodworms and alkali shrimp. It's important to think that tetras have tiny mouths, so make sure that every food that you offer your fish is small enough to fit into their mouths.

The fish'due south daily nutrition should include high-quality flakes with some frozen or live food equally a treat every other day or so. Feed your fish several times each twenty-four hour period, offer just plenty for them to consume within a few minutes.


Rummy Olfactory organ tetras are a peaceful species that does well in a community tank setup. These fish are happiest in shoals of vii to x individuals. Likewise, a schoolhouse of these active, brightly colored fish really makes your aquarium smooth!

Skillful tankmates for these pretty little fishes include peaceful lesser-dwellers, such as Corydoras catfish and loaches. Minor species of rasboras, tetras, some dwarf cichlids, gouramis, and peaceful barbs as well make suitable fishy friends for the Rummy Nose tetra. Invertebrates, such as shrimps and snails, will be fine.

Species to avoid are any large, ambitious types that might harass and chase the tetras. As well, large carnivores may view the tetras as a nutrient source and should, therefore, non be housed in the same tank.


Rummy Olfactory organ tetras are egg layers. The species is more difficult to breed than other tetras, and they require very specific tank conditions in which to spawn. Information technology's best to set up a split spawning tank when attempting to breed these fish, every bit that ensures the all-time number of surviving fry.

Breeding tank setup

The spawning tank needs to exist 10 gallons or more than.

These fish spawn on the substrate or on plant leaves, so include some Java Moss or clumps of spawning moss on which the eggs can be laid. You tin also fit a layer of mesh across the bottom of the tank so that the eggs tin can pass through, but the parents remain excluded.

Both the eggs and the fry are highly calorie-free-sensitive, and then the lighting in the spawning tank should be kept dim.

In the breeding tank, the water needs to be slightly acidic and soft. Rummy Nose tetras are classed every bit "blackwater fish." Then, yous'll need to use a small, air-powered sponge filter system with aquarium-safe peat filtration for the all-time results in the spawning tank surroundings.

Keep the h2o temperature between 82o and 86o Fahrenheit, with a water hardness of 4 to six dGH, and a pH of 6 to 6.2.

Rummy Nose Tetra


The most successful style to breed Rummy Nose tetras is to place a mixed-sexual activity group in the spawning tank. The ideal ratio for the grouping is six males and six females. Earlier breeding, divide the sexes into separate tanks and feed them a rich diet of live and frozen foods.

Transfer the breeding groups into your spawning tank in the evening. When the females are ready to spawn, they appear rounded and fat thanks to a cargo of eggs. Pick male fish that are the well-nigh brightly colored.

Spawning ordinarily takes place in the morning. Equally soon every bit the spawning procedure is complete, remove the parents to prevent them from eating the eggs.

The eggs hatch subsequently near 24 to 36 hours, and the fry volition appear free-swimming within a few days once they've wearied the food supply that is provided by their egg sacs. You'll demand to provide infusoria or other tiny foods for the first few days until the fry are big plenty to eat alkali shrimp nauplii or micro-worms.

Wellness and diseases

Rummy Nose tetras are mostly disease resistant provided that they are given their preferred water conditions. If the water is not soft and acidic, Ich is frequently a problem for the species.


Ich is common to most freshwater fish species, both in the wild environs in aquariums.

The condition is too known as White Spot illness and is caused by the protozoan parasite, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Ich is seen in tropical and common cold h2o tanks, and there's a similar status that affects marine and reef setups too.

Ich doesn't normally crusade a trouble until a fish becomes weakened by stress, poor water conditions, and inadequate or poor diet.

The parasite attaches itself to the fish's gills, fins, and body, where it shows upwards as a sprinkling of tiny white spots, hence the disease's common name. Fish that are infected with Ich flick themselves against solid objects in the tank or rub themselves against the substrate. As the disease progresses, y'all'll notice that the fish's respiration rate increases, and their fins remain clamped against their bodies.

Somewhen, if the condition is left untreated, the parasites clog the fish's gills, and it suffocates.

Ich tin can be successfully treated by raising the h2o temperature in the tank to 86o Fahrenheit for three days, while simultaneously treating the h2o with a White Spot treatment product that can be bought over-the-counter in good fish stores.


Ideally, yous want to prevent outbreaks of affliction in your aquarium rather than having to deal with problems. Exist sure to bank check the water quality each week to make sure that it is even so within the required parameters for this species, and exist diligent with partial water changes and general maintenance and cleaning tasks.

Earlier introducing whatever new fish to your setup, you lot should place them in a quarantine tank for at least 14 days. Items of tank decoration, including new substrate and plants, should be done thoroughly to remove bacteria and clay before you add them to your tank.


Rummy Nose tetras are readily available from most fish stores. Alternatively, you can observe Rummy Nose tetras for sale online.

These fish generally toll only a few dollars, and you can often by a group of fish for a discounted toll. Think that if y'all choose to buy tetra Hemigrammus online, you won't be able to see the fish until they arrive, and you will as well incur aircraft costs.

In summary

The Rummy Nose tetra is a peaceful, lively fish that's perfect for a large community aquarium that volition accommodate a school of these fish. Alternatively, these tetras can be housed in a species-only nano tank. Firehead tetras are omnivorous and will eat pretty much anything, making them piece of cake to cater for in a mixed species tank.

If you take the correct facilities and you fancy taking on a projection, you could accept a go at convenance from your collection of Rummy Noses.

To keep the species healthy, you lot'll need to maintain the h2o parameters exactly to their liking, specially the h2o hardness. For that reason, we don't recommend the Rummy Nose tetra to complete beginner aquarists.


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